Neural Networks in Healthcare
Throughout the course of comprehensive healthcare, many patients develop problems with their minds and bodies that can lead to severe discomfort, costly treatment, disabilities, and more. Predicting those escalations in advance offers healthcare providers the...
How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Healthcare
During 2013, fans of “Jeopardy” watched a supercomputer called “WATSON” demolish long-time champion Ken Jennings in a battle of brains. After that, the creation evolved into something known as “WATSON HEALTH AI” – which is...
Learning More about Population Health
Let’s face it – if we want to encourage a healthy society, then we need to provide the correct systems for healthcare that not only enable patients to obtain assistance for their needs, but also pay for the treatment they’re given. The concept behind...
Healthcare Interoperability: What is It and Why Does It Matter?
If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve visited a healthcare facility at some point in your life. As part of the visit, you probably filled out a substantial number of documents regarding your allergies, medical history, and current medications...
11 Boise companies changing healthcare for the better
Healthcare is experiencing a major transformation. What states, hospitals, insurance companies and people once expected of the industry has turned on its head, in part thanks to the Affordable Care act, HIPAA, Meaningful Use and stricter standards set by the federal government.
What does this mean? Healthcare — from billing to patient care — needs to be smarter, leaner and more efficient. These Boise companies and startups are doing just that…